Wednesday, April 24, 2024

*Please note: CPSM day is an additional cost (add-on) to the Northeast Regional Conference. For current CPSMs only.

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM:
Welcome & Expectations

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM: Roundtable #1

9:45 AM - 11:45 AM: Balance and Boundaries and Burnout Oh My! Creating Your Own Healthy Path Forward in Your Career with Jennessa Durrani

Balance and Boundaries and Burnout Oh My! Creating Your Own Healthy Path Forward in Your Career 2-hour interactive workshop - spoke and wheel exercise to pinpoint your specific struggles such as:

  • Unrealistic expectations and deadlines,

  • Unsupportive management

  • Lack of confidence

  • Limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome

  • Skill gap due to a workforce reduction

  • Not feeling valued and fairly compensated

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM: Lunch & Roundtable #2

1:15 PM - 3:15 PM: Culture Mapping: Doing the Hardwork Most Firms Skip with Heather Polivka

Culture has never been more important than now. Firms understand it drives competitive advantage. Employees and candidates are demanding healthy work cultures. Leaders are struggling to evolve or preserve their cultures with flexible work. We are seeing its importance show up in ways great and small. What does it mean to have a “great culture”? And if it is so great….why can’t we explain what that means? The reason so many people can’t effectively talk about their work cultures is because their culture has never been defined. In this workshop, we will work with you to start the process of defining your work culture. You will create a better understanding of what culture is and start to put practical and real definitions around each aspect of culture for your workplace. You will walk away having started the work that most companies skip and begin to realize the full power and possibility of culture as a competitive advantage and differentiator for clients and employees alike.

Learning Outcomes:

  • •Understand what culture is and is not, and how to begin defining your culture in a meaningful, tangible manner.

  • •Explore how culture drives business and people strategy, and how that relationship can be used to create competitive advantage.

  • •Discover how to evolve and embed culture to address emerging needs

  • •Improve your ability to speak specifically about your work culture and how it plays out in the day-to-day of the work experience.

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM: Break

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Round Table #3

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